00:10tanka poetry
00:35haiku poetry
01:00vegetable gardening
01:25my gardening
01:50nhk news
02:00shogi focus
02:30go focus
03:00peek-a-boo wan wan wonderland
03:30with father
04:00historical drama naotora: the lady warlord 第25集
04:45otsuta \u0026 denjiro
04:56mini program
04:59world weather
05:00news: good morning, japan
07:00drama serial hiyokko 第73集
07:15morning market
08:55exercise for everyone
09:00news \u0026 weather
09:05drama 10 blanket cats 第1集
09:55bakusho mondai\u0027s exploration
10:23document 72 hours
10:48points at issue
10:58world weather
11:20a stroll in the afternoon
11:45drama serial hiyokko 第73集
12:00seasoning the seasons
13:00cool japan
13:45doki doki! world tv
13:55world music album
14:00nhk news
14:10songs for everyone
14:15design ah! 剧情
14:20pythagoraswitch mini
14:25enjoy climbing 100 mountains of japan!
14:54world weather
14:55afternoon live
15:50nhk news
16:01fun with japanese
16:11let\u0027s enjoy english with orton
16:36with mother
17:00nhk news
17:10kid\u0027s discovery
17:25edutainment sciencer show
17:50home cooking dj
17:55world music album
18:00nhk news 7
19:43mini program
19:45child-rearing hints \u0026 tips mini
19:58world weather
20:00news watch 9
21:00today\u0027s close-up plus
21:25supreme skills!
22:15news check 11
22:55international news report 2017 (dual audio when available)
23:45world weather
23:50gretel\u0027s magical oven
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