
2025年03月05日 周三 中午 晚间    【昨日节目表】    【今日节目表】


00:03mini program

00:05gretel\u0027s magical oven encore

00:30a solo life on friday

01:00testimonies of the great east japan earthquake

01:05songs for everyone

01:10health for today

01:25today\u0027s menu

01:50cooking for beginners

01:55everyday tips

02:00news today

02:15news commentary

02:25world weather

02:30ippin--japan\u0027s finest

03:00afternoon live

03:55mini program

04:00with mother

04:24kid\u0027s discovery

04:39chatty jay\u0027s sundry shop

04:49go! go! cook r\u0027n

04:59world weather

05:00news: good morning, japan

07:00drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第51集


08:55exercise for everyone

09:00news \u0026 weather

09:05song concert

09:50historical anecdote \u0027zeami\u0027

10:40fun with okinawa dialects

10:48points at issue

10:58world weather


11:20tomio umezawa \u0026 koji higashino\u0027s eat up farmers meal!

11:45drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第51集

12:00hobbies--sparkle your life!  encore

12:25haiku poetry

12:50practical english in hospitality scenes


13:00learn chinese on tv

13:25asia insight

13:55world music album

14:00nhk news

14:10songs for everyone

14:15everyday tips

14:20round table talk on childcare \u0026 education

14:44tips for nursing care

14:49world weather

14:50afternoon live

15:45pythagoraswitch mini

15:50nhk news

16:01fun with japanese

16:11let\u0027s enjoy english with orton


16:36with mother

17:00nhk news

17:10kid\u0027s discovery

17:25whiz-kids tv you

17:59world weather

18:00nhk news 7

18:30the \u0027oshin\u0027 cast reunion


19:29bar in the world 10min

19:39mini program

19:42mini program

19:45child-rearing hints \u0026 tips mini

19:50design ah!

19:57world weather

20:00news watch 9

21:00today\u0027s close-up plus

21:30historical anecdote \u0027electric car tama\u0027

22:20news today

22:35international news report 2019

23:15world weather

23:20naoki matayoshi\u0027s heureka!

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