
NHK World Premium

NHK World Premium周末节目预告

  NHK World Premium周末节目预告   【在线观看】    【手机/PAD观看】
2025年03月02日 下周日 中午 晚间    【昨日节目表】    【今日节目表】


00:20the challengers

00:30akb48 show

00:59world weather

01:00nhk news

01:10drama serial toto nee-chan: fatherly sister 第102集

01:25pythagoraswitch mini

01:30active ninja masaaki hatsumi, 84

02:28nhk premap

02:30go focus

03:00nhk news

03:10with mother

03:34with father mini

03:40mimicries--natural science for kids

03:50otsuta \u0026 denjiro

04:00communicative japanese lesson

04:15baby boomer style

05:00news \u0026 weather

05:15go, kitchen, go! mini

05:3010 million people\u0027s radio exercise

05:45nhk premap

05:50tv exercise

06:00news: good morning, japan

06:45natural grandeur of the east

06:59world weather

07:00gentle journeys

07:25sakidori trends \u0026 business

07:55nhk premap


08:00sunday debate

09:00news \u0026 weather

09:05march to recovery

09:55songs for everyone

10:00pop music club

10:59world weather


11:15nhk amateur singing contest osaki city, miyagi prefecture


12:05asia insight encore

12:33journeys in japan


13:01enjoy climbing 100 mountains of japan!

13:30keep eyes on fukushima tv

13:50nhk news

14:00akb48 show

14:30miracle lesson: world\u0027s greatest coaches and their students judo -part 1

15:20miracle lesson: world\u0027s greatest coaches and their students judo -part 2

16:10number one on the earth mini

16:30hurray to the angler


17:10nosy\u0027s inspiring atelier

17:25e dance academy

17:55drama serial toto nee-chan: fatherly sister digest

18:00nhk news 7

18:15historical drama sanadamaru 第30集


19:00tokyo gubernatorial election up-to-the-minute returns

19:45news \u0026 weather

20:00nhk special amazon--the last unexplored region -part 4

20:49world weather

20:50somewhere street geneva, switzerland

21:50nhk news

22:00world news academy

22:32nhk premap

22:35sunday sports news

23:55nhk news

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