
2025年01月18日 下周六 中午 晚间    【昨日节目表】    【今日节目表】


00:00nhk newsline

00:30grand sumo highlights -2061-051

00:55sumopedia -2062-014

01:00nhk newsline

01:30our blue planet -7000-327

02:00nhk newsline

02:30supreme skills! -4027-016

03:00nhk newsline

03:30asia insight -2022-184

04:00nhk newsline

04:30dining with the chef -2019-156

05:00nhk newsline

05:30today\u0027s close-up -4002-646

05:55world heritage wonders -6013-004

06:00nhk newsline

06:30grand sumo highlights -2061-051

06:55sumopedia -2062-014

07:00nhk newsline

07:10entertainment nippon -2045-013

08:00nhk newsline

08:10cool japan -4008-144

08:55blends -6020-016

09:00nhk newsline

09:10global agenda -2047-024

10:00nhk newsline

10:10dining with the chef -2019-156

10:40videos gone viral -6115-036

10:50little charo -6116-041

11:00nhk newsline

11:10today\u0027s close-up -4002-646

11:35direct talk -2058-087

11:50world heritage wonders -6013-004

11:55pythagoraswitch mini -6021-047

12:00nhk newsline

12:10bento expo -3004-373

12:25hokkaido in focus -6017-001

12:30grand sumo highlights -2061-051

12:55sumopedia -2062-014


13:00nhk newsline

13:10entertainment nippon -2045-013

14:00nhk newsline

14:10cool japan -4008-144

14:55blends -6020-016

15:00nhk newsline

15:10global agenda -2047-024

16:00nhk newsline

16:10bento expo -3004-373

16:25hokkaido in focus -6017-001

16:30grand sumo highlights -2061-051

16:55sumopedia -2062-014

17:00nhk newsline

17:10today\u0027s close-up -4002-646

17:35direct talk -2058-089

17:50world heritage wonders -6013-004

17:55pythagoraswitch mini -6021-047

18:00nhk newsline

18:10entertainment nippon -2045-013


19:00nhk newsline

19:10wildlife -3003-030

20:00nhk newsline

20:10cool japan -4008-144

20:55blends -6020-016

21:00nhk newsline

21:10global agenda -2047-024

22:00nhk newsline

22:10a century on film -2055-018

22:40direct talk -2058-087

22:55fudoki -6012-036

23:00nhk newsline

23:10nhk documentary -4001-250

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